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Free Online education template for elearning and online education institute.
Free Online education template for elearning and online education institute.
Education is a life long learning process. Learning happens all the time,not only in a pre-designated place called the school. I extend warm welcom to you and your family. It is a privillage for me to work with the students,staff and the families to make our school the very best it can be. Shaping young impressionalable minds is one of life's challenges. We aim to empower our students to grow as individuals with strong,open,discerning minds with the perspective,preparing them to make a mark in the global village- the world has come to be today. Our distinctive academic programs and innovative teaching methodalogies encourage students to develop critical thinking and learn through enquiry and reason,to exchange thoughts and ideas to develop key personal and social values to set goals and to realise theier own unique quotations. SJMHSS is a friendly,vibrant,community minded school,whoose decisions always put our students first. We are very keen to invlove our community in our learning,developing true partnership that value each students.
St.Joseph Matric Higher Secondary
School, Hosur
Retaining No.1 Rank in Hosur From
last 3 consecutive years.
Beautiful therefore and truly
Solemn is the vocation of all those
who assist parents in fullfilling their
task, and who reoresent human
society as well,
©2019 St Joseph's Matriculation Higher Secondary School,Hosur. All Rights Reserved.